10th Annual
Lax Clash Tournament
June 14-15, 2025

Tristar Lacrosse is happy to present the 10th annual 2025 LaxClash Tournament for boys teams graduating classes 2029-2035.
Some of the best young talent will be here on June 14-15, 2025.
All teams will play 3 games on Saturday, and 2 games on Sunday (2035 Division will start on Friday).
Games will start at 7am Saturday.
The tournament will conclude with a championship game for each grade.
Game Operations – NCAA Rules
- 12 minute running quarters – 1 minute break between quarters and 2 minutes for halftime
- Officials will keep game time on the field
- Penalty times run with Game clock. Officials will keep the penalty time.
- (1) 45 second timeout per HALF and the clock will stop for a timeout.
- Timeouts must be called below the offensive restraining line or any dead ball
- Games that end in a tie at the end of regulation time will be decided with an unlimited sudden victory overtime period.
- Immediate Restart
- No Timeouts in Overtime.
- Faceoffs Rules will NOT allow Knee Down or motorcycle grips.
- A 20 second clearing count will be used. On a change of possession, a timed count will begin. At 20 seconds the ball must be in the offensive end of the field. The over and back rule will be in effect at that time.
- 2034 and 2035 will not play counts.
- The substitution box will be a total of ten yards – 5 yards on each side of the midline.
- No crease dives permitted
- Quick Restart: Refs will ignore the positioning of the defensive players and allow for restart to begin within 5 Yards. The defensive player within 5 yards must allow for an open lane to the goal and not defend the player until the restarting player creates a 5 yard gap. A violation will be a flag down (slow whistle) for delay of game.
- Refs will be quick to call stall if deemed appropriate
Playoff Tie-Breaker Criteria
- Overall record
- Head -to-Head
- Lowest Goals Allowed
- Goal Differential (Goals scored minus Goals against)
- Goals Scored
Playoff Structures
- 2029 A – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2029 AA – 8 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2030 A – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2030 AA – 8 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2031 A – 6 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2031 AA – 8 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2032 A – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2032 AA – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2033 A – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2033 AA – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2034 – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
- 2035 – 4 Teams make the Playoffs
We are following US Lacrosse Age Cutoff Deadlines and Age Verification for 2030 – 2035 with June 1 of the respective years being the cutoff date.
2029 Players must have completed 8th grade as of June 2025 and anyone who completed 9th grade this past school year CANNOT play in the 2029 Graduation Year bracket.
2030 Graduation Year Exception
Since we have many teams who have qualified for the WSYL playing in the tournament. We will allow you to play with your Age Verified WSYL roster this week so you can prepare for the upcoming WSYL Tournament.
General Conduct Rules
- Any player, fan, or coach ejected from a game will be prohibited from competing in/ coaching/ watching his/her team’s next game. If a player/coach/fan is ejected for a second time he or she will be disqualified from the tournament.
- Berating the Referees will absolutely not be tolerated
- Alcohol is prohibited from all fields
- Fighting is an automatic ejection from the game.
CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS will be at all sites of play and their location will be designated by a RED TENT
SPORTSMANSHIP – Players, coaches, and spectators should exhibit the highest level of sportsmanship at all times. Coaches and officials should be partners in providing the best possible lacrosse experience for youth players. Unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches and/or players and/or spectators degrades the experience of youth players, discourages people from becoming or continuing as officials, and erodes the integrity and appeal of the sport. Therefore, unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Obscenities need not be used in order for language to draw a penalty. Tone, intent, and body language can all contribute to unsportsmanlike conduct. US Lacrosse expects officials to enforce the Unsportsmanlike Conduct rules without hesitation.
FAMILY BEHAVIOR – Any parent acting unsportsmanlike or inappropriate in any way is subject to an ejection from a game or removal from the grounds at the discretion of the tournament director. This includes but is not limited to: foul language, taunting other teams or their coaches, taunting other parents in the stands, and taunting or berating an official.
NO PARKING on the grass at any location.
CONTACT INFORMATION EMAIL: liexpressinfo@gmail.com